Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Winds of Hope, Volume III of the Jayson Wolfe Story

Winds of Hope, Volume III of the Jayson Wolfe Story

Since I mentioned book covers previously, I’ll say for the record that I really like this one.

I can’t really feature any more songs on this, since most of the music simply came out of my head. More about THAT next time.

I’ve already mentioned that this was a three-part story, so this volume concludes the original Jayson Wolfe Story that I wrote years ago. In this one, the intense conflict starts to ease up, and all the pieces start coming together. Some really great things happen in this book, which of course, makes all the previous conflict worth it when you can see a good outcome. I don’t believe in making things TOO tidy, so there were a few points that didn’t turn out all nice and rosy, but Jayson makes some huge strides in his life and is greatly blessed.

Now that we’re at part three, I must make a big confession. I’ve already let you know that this story came miraculously fast; I hardly had time to think about it. As I got near the end, I realized that I could strongly relate to Jayson in regard to his creative gifts. I don’t know how much of that was inspiration, and how much came from my subconscious, but I do know that Jayson Wolfe is one of my favorite characters, and definitely the one that I relate to more than any other—even though he’s a man. Strange, eh?

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